No Hate


This isn’t a trend or just a one-off post during a news cycle. We stand in solidarity with the fight against systemic racism, white supremacy and the historic oppression of the Black community, our priority is to do the work. As a small brand and as part of the skateboarding community we’ve made some immediate actions to support this movement.
🚦 We’re looking at how we can make product and policy improvements to address racism and unconscious bias, and help amplify black voices. We acknowledge our team lacks the level of diversity we wish it had, and we are working to fix that.
🚦In partnership with we’ve made donations to The Bail Project, Reclaim The Block, and Fair Fight, organizations fighting to make communities safer & healthier for people of color and ensure fair and equal elections nationwide.
🚦 We are turning this graphic into a t-shirt and board graphic with 100% of the proceeds going to the same organizations listed above. The t-shirt will be available for pre-order next week @theoriesofatlantis web store and the decks will be available for shops to prebook soon.
This is only the beginning and we have a long way to go but we can get there together.
#nohate #takeoutthetrash #defundthepolice